Show me your birds! Anything birdy will do. Use a bird stamp, decorative paper with bird, bird embellishment or even a bird quote or sentiment. Don't have any? Use your printer and print a small bird silhouette or quote about birds.
I love birds. It's a new love for me. Those cute little things have been flying around me my entire life, but it's as if I've just realized they're there!
If you're just joining us here, you can view the details of the 18 Rainbow Days of Angelosity at this post. You can always go back and answer the question of the day and/or make up to 2 cards for each challenge!
Have a blessed day!
Today's Question:
Gas prices have been up and down, up and down, but I want to know what the gas price is where you live!
Gas prices have been up and down, up and down, but I want to know what the gas price is where you live!
Your answer will go soemething like this:
"In Sumter, SC the gas price today is $2.24 a gallon at WalMart."
The person who would pay the most for gas today 11-04-08 will get this RAINBOW of Ribbon in their mailbox! (answer will be verified.)
Winner to be announced tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM EST.
"In Sumter, SC the gas price today is $2.24 a gallon at WalMart."
The person who would pay the most for gas today 11-04-08 will get this RAINBOW of Ribbon in their mailbox! (answer will be verified.)
Love the rainbow ribbon! Yesterday gas was $2.49 at my Martins grocery store in Martinsburg, WV. But if I cross the state line into VA it was $2.11! I'm off to try and find something birdy, not sure I have anything though!
Gas today in Monmouth, OR was $2.59 at the 76 station.
I filled up yesterday at Fort Hood, Tx at $2.06!! YEAH!! Beats the $4.40 we paid in NY before we moved!
I'm off to find something "birdy" and catch up on the ones I missed!
ohhh I don't think I'll win... I haven't been out of the house in the last two days, but
Sunday in Unionville Va. at the BP station the gas was $2.29 when I filled up...although last week in Fredericksburg at Costco I paid $2.18
Thanks for the fun little question
How funny, I just filled my tank this morning. I paid 2.25, which is MUCH better than I paid last fill-up about 2 weeks ago! I'll be back later with a birdy creation :)
Oh, BTW, I filled up in Rahway, NJ...
$3.30 is how much gas goes for on Beach Blvd. in Huntington Beach! Partly tourists, partly because we live in So. Cal and we HAVE to drive! I get really excited these days when it goes less than $3!
They say we are lowest in the country in wichita, kansas with 1.94 to 1.97 depending on the station.
2.51 at the convenience store near my house and 2.25 at the one off the mountain from where I live in Trenton, GA
My goodness-I've been on the ball this week!
Here's my card! It was the only bird I could find! Plus I think they might be ducks, but that's ok. :)
In Salt Lake City, Utah gas at a Chevron station is $2.49/gallon.
On Sunday, we were driving to Livonia, MI and saw gas for as low as $2.05 at a Mystic Gas Station. However, around where we live is avg about $2.12 BP, Sunoco, Mobil, Valero.
I don't know by gallon, but checking our radio station website where they say the lowest price in Lethbridge, AB the price is $0.914/Litre.
That's the best it's been in a long time - in the summer we were paying much more.
Wow, some of those gas prices are insane still...even the low ones are crazy!! We are currently at about $2.29 a gallon in Highlands Ranch, CO.
Here is my card for the challenge, love your card btw...so cute and cheery!
At WaWa in Gloucester, VA it is $1.97. Hope to be sending you some pics later tonight.
Hey Angel, I filled up at Costco in Independence, MO for $1.81 today!!! Can you believe it?! It's $1.87 out in town.
Gas prices are continiung to drop in Lancaster PA. The station closest to us is $2.35 but while out driving today we did see a WAWA station priced @ $2.19. Wonder if prices start climbing after, today!?
we have $2.219 in Torrington, CT, compared with the $4.76 about a month ago!!!
Lori Q
Wow!! Is it that low in the states? On base here we're paying $2.97 gallon. It's even higher if we get it on the economy... please don't make me do the math. It would be in Won per Liter! I do know it's almost double. Eeek!
hugs, Jami
Here's mine
also- I saw gas for 2.29 today at the Pilot station down the road from home in Knoxville, TN
Great theme...if just happened to coincide with a project I was working on...hope this still counts! Can't wait to see the big winner!
Here is a link to mine!
Hiya! I think it's about $2.05 here at my mom's (Grand Forks, ND), my hubby said it's about $1.85 in the Twin Cities.
Your bird challenge has me stumped. I'm not sure if I have any bird stamps....I might have a chicken though - that should count!
Our gas here in Northville, MI was at $2.17 per gallon today!
Janet Sisk
Gas today in North Ridgeville, Ohio was $2.03 a gallon.
Sue D--Grandma Sue
Some good gas prices out there! We filled up at $2.139 at the SpeedyQ in Flint MI yesterday!
Currently, we are paying in Edw. Illinois, $2.16 per gallon for gasoline. Not too shabby. Thanks, Cindi
Here's my birdy card. This was fun and I finally got to use my new mocha chica stuff! Are you getting excited that your birthday is getting closer and closer??
Gas was $2.01 today at Sam's Club in
Florence, SC. I am still amazed it dropped so quickly from $4.00 - and I never expected to see it under $3.00 ever again!
Hi Angel,
I know it's too late for any prizes, but in Seattle, WA, my diesel is 3.49/gallon. That is a LOT better than 5.15 - 5.55/gallon that I was paying 6-7 weeks ago...
Not sure what happened to my other post, it disappeared from Blogger! So disregard the link above and here it is again!
This card took forever. I must have pulled it apart 4 or 5 times before I was happy with the layout.
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