I love simple cards and one-layered cards are as easy as they get. Can you WOW me with just one layer of cardstock? Give it a shot!
You can add a small embellishment, but keep the actual paper to only one layer!
I'll be back with my sample before noon!
Can you get yours uploaded before me for an early bird entry? Today is the last day for that opportunity!
If you're just joining us here at Angelosity, please refer to THIS post for the details on our game!
See you in a bit!
Today's Getting to know you Question:
Today is my mom's birthday, so in honor of her, tell me your mom's name (or caregiver from your childhood) and one word to describe her.
My mom's name is Wanda and one word for her is "Strength".
EASY Street!?! Are you KIDDING?! That is the hardest card of all to make for me... yikes.
My mom's name is Barbara Ann...yep, just like the Beach Boys song. ba-ba-ba ba-babara ann... are you singing it now? Hmmm...one word. I'll be nice. Let's say "forgetful"
hugs, Jami
Oh...and Happy Birthday to your Mom!!
hugs, Jami
Happy birthday to your mom! My mom's name is Sandra Darlene...so she's "Sandra D"...although she's Sandy to everybody...anyway, I think it absolutely must stand for amazing.
Hi Angel..Happy Birthday to Wanda!
My mom's name was Pat..and one word to describe her is kind.
The days are winding down to the big day@
Happy Birthday to Wanda!!
My mom's name is Denise. One word to describe her is caring.
My mom's name is Elizabeth and she will be 89 in January. Right now I would describe her as independent as she still lives alone in her house. She goes to a jazzercise class 3-4 times a week (not a Seniors' class).
My Mom's name is ROSE and I also would use STRENGHT to describe her. She's been through a lot, including the sudden death of her husband 10 years ago. That was a shock to our whole family. She retired from teaching that year, but 7 years later, she went back teaching and has been teaching again now for 3 years (away from home, away from her family).Now, that's STRENGTH!
My card for his challenge is HERE. .It's called "THINKING OF YOU".
Happy Birthday Wanda!
My moms name is Ilidia and I would have to describer her as "selfless" she is always doing things for others and putting others fisrt...she's the best! Okay you're gonna make me cry noe justt hinking about it!
YAY! I'm early today! This was tougher than I would've thought!
Happy Birthday Angel's mom! My momma's name is Terri, and my word for her would be PERSEVERANCE!
Here's my card!
Happy B'day greetings to your Mom!
My Mom's name is Anna Sylvia, but she goes by her middle name ... and the word would be ...
I know, I cheated! LOL!
Have a t'riffic weekend!
Happy Birthday to your mom! My mom's name is Carolyn, and "sparkle" is the word that described her; you'd know why if you had ever seen her eyes and smile.
Happy birthday wishes for Angel's mom, Wanda!
My mother's name was Reba and she was a most "compassionate" woman, who is sorely missed!
Big Birthday weekend for you! Fun Stuff! Here's a link to my card: http://creativejeaux.blogspot.com/2008/11/playing-along.html
My Mom's name is Thelma and I think I will pick the work "patient."
Grandma Sue
My mom is Denise, and I would use "supportive" for her word. I wish she lived closer to us! Happy birthday to your mom. Enjoy.
This was a tough day - here's my card: http://whatdoyouink.blogspot.com/2008/11/one-layer-does-not-equal-simple.html
Happy Birthday, Angel's Mom! My mom is Susan and she's "Devoted." To my dad, my brother and I, her grandkids and her students!
My mom's name is Alma, she passed away in 1987. Her birthday was 1/05. She "Loved" her children very much.
One layer!? That sounds like the hardest challenge yet - I LOVE to layer! Anyway, my Mom's name is Bernice and one word to describe her is selfless! She always puts others first (especially her kids)!
It was harder than I thought to do just one layer! Here is the link to my card on my blog:
I actually have 2 Moms. My birth mom's name was Lola. She died when I was 9. She was very artistic and loved to have fun. It was so sad when she died unexpectedly. My second Mom is my stepmother. She has been in my life since I was 10. Her name is Nancy. She is very sensitive. We tease her about crying when watching Hallmark commercials! I am lucky to have 2 Moms. Plus I have a great mother-in-law named Georgia. She is a social butterfly, sometimes to her detriment! LOL
janet sisk
My mom's name is Jo and compassionate and loving are words to describe her (I can't pick one)
Here's my one layer card- not THRILLED with it but it's cute
My mom's name was Judy and one word that described her was fun-loving. she was very outgoing and everyone loved her.
Oooh, I'm glad I have a few days to think of a one layer card. I'm actually visiting my mom which is why I'll be posting several challenges at the last minute. Her name is Carol, and her birthday is on Tuesday. Lots of great mom's in November! Hmm, one word would have to be INSPIRATIONAL.
Today is my first visit to your blog. I heard about it from Jami's blog.
My Mom's name is Juanita one word for her is Respectful
I have to go read your game details now!
Heather Schlatter
My mom's name was Lillian and the one word that I could give to describe her does not exist...She was so many words to me. She gave the meaning to the word Mother!
OK, I'm back with my card. Here it is Thank you for inspiring me!!!
hugs, Jami
Wow, my grandma's name is Wanda.
My mom's name is Theresa, but she goes by Terry, and one word would be AWESOME!
My mom's name is Terry. The word to describe her is wisdom. She seeks God's wisdom and then shares it with all.
My mom's name was Meg and she was the most naturally generous person I ever knew. Not just generous with material things, but with her heart and mind as well.
today's card - very simple: http://images.splitcoaststampers.com/data/gallery/500/special_day_ladybugs_by_GlueGirl.jpg
My mom's name is Lolita.. which is sorta funny because the best word to describe her is "prude!"
Mom's name is Dale and "Precious" is the word i would use!!!
Thanks for all these chances
"Betty" and she has always said her favorite word to describe herself is "enthusiasm". She nailed it! This woman at 86 drives faster than anyone I know, works faster, is the first to laugh at a joke, the last one to bed, and does everything with enthusiasm. She never holds a grudge and always looks for the bright side. All my life, she said she wants that word on her tomb stone. That and she insists she'd like the phrase: "I told them I was sick." She loves a good laugh!
Happy Birthday Angel's mom!
Happy Birthday to your Mom!! My mom's name is Laila and her word would be "Superwoman!".
My mom's name is Ginger and one word to describe her is Blessed!
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