Oh well.
There is still a little more time for weekend entries to be posted for the RAK. I've got several more RAKs to give away this week, so I hope you'll stick around for another full week of Rainbow Days. Of course, we're running out of pretty colors, but there are still lots of colors!
This week, I've decided to add another way to be entered. As you know, I try to post my challenge first thing in the morning and then my project and prize photos by noon. For those of you on the ball...if you post your project(s) for the day's challenge before I post mine you'll get an extra entry for the pot o' gold. Sound good?
Today's challenge is a BOOKMARK.
Make a bookmark for yourself or for a friend. No color or size restrictions. Katie keeps reminding me I promised to make her a bookmark so I am determined to do it today.
That's all from me!
Please refer this post for official rules.
Have a Blessed Day!
Today's Question:
This week I want to get to know you!
Please introduce me to yourself... first and middle name
and nickname if you have one!
This week, I've decided to add another way to be entered. As you know, I try to post my challenge first thing in the morning and then my project and prize photos by noon. For those of you on the ball...if you post your project(s) for the day's challenge before I post mine you'll get an extra entry for the pot o' gold. Sound good?
Today's challenge is a BOOKMARK.
Make a bookmark for yourself or for a friend. No color or size restrictions. Katie keeps reminding me I promised to make her a bookmark so I am determined to do it today.
That's all from me!
Please refer this post for official rules.
Have a Blessed Day!
Today's Question:
This week I want to get to know you!
Please introduce me to yourself... first and middle name
and nickname if you have one!
Ah, perfect, I needed to make another bookmark so I could do a tutorial!
My name is Jami Rebecca. Nicknames include Jaymerz, James, and J-Bo :)
Hugs, Jami
Hi Angel.. I'm Tracy Lynn and I've had many nicknames in my life, but my favorites have been; "T," "Britches" (my dad called me this when I was young because my pants wouldn't stay up and they were always saying "pull your britches' up!"), "Scout" (from To kill a mockingbird) and "Two-Bit" (The Outsiders.) Of course, there is always "Mommy," too!!!
My name is Michelle Pamela. but I go by Pam, Peanut, Babe, Mommy, Mama, and now Mom lol.
My name is Lastel Annette , nicknames over the years have been : Stel , Stelly Nan and Dad used to call me Tel .
My name is Deanne Ruth. I really don't have a nickname. It's funny because you would think my name would be shortened to Dea.But no one calls me it!
Hi Angel, my name is JoAnn from Central Florida. I don't have a middle name. The only nickname I have had is "Jo", and of course, I love being called "Nana" by my grandchildren. Have a great day. Hope to get the book mark made.
My name is Brianna Lynn. My nickname is Bri. A bookmark is a great idea! I actually need one right now.
A bookmark I can do! Got the scrapbooking stuff out Saturday so half way there already. :) As for the name, just Karla Kay and no nicknames along the way
Lori Anne is my first and Middle Name... And as far as nicknames? hmmm Irol and Sally Anne( High school nicks) Lor, Crazy, "B" & "Nobody" are a few others.
I Wish I Had the time to make ALL your CHallenges but as of these few weeks I have none. Thank you for all your ideas..
Lori Q
So, here is my bookmark...might have another one later today that I will link up once done. I don't have any nicknames that are used now....used to be Dawn-a-do (only used by my mom) but my hubby and I just go by first initials especially when emailing each other :)
Dawn R
Hola Angel! I'm Cathy Jo from MN, but only my family tosses in the Jo sometimes. My favorite nickname is Pookie (after Garfields cuddly pal).
Hi again, Angel. Here are my bookmarks for today.
RDOA 8 Bookmark
Hi Angel! My name is Brenda Elaine...it made me cringe when you asked for our middle name, cuz I've always strongly disliked the name "Elaine". My nicknames are "Sweetie Pie" and "babe". Thanks for this fun contest!
~Brenda H.
Hey. My name is Chrystal Michelle. When I was little my dad called me Cittle Cat.
My real name is Tamra Jo (Jo is my mom's name) but my nickname is Tami or a few people call me Tam
and here's my bookmark
Hi, Angel
My name is Susan Lynn but usually people call me Sue. Love your blog. Hope to do some of the challenges but I need my husband to show me how to take pics and upload to computer. If that happens I will email them to you.
Grandma Sue
What a great gift to make for someone. I love bookmarks!
My name is Johanna Theresa.. but I rarely ever hear my my middle name. A lot of people call me Jo.. and it's preferred over "Joanna".. there's a H in there! Jo-HAN-na I wanna... wokka wokka.. :)
Hello Angel, I know you already, but I'll still write...
My name is Elaine Phillips
Nickname: Miscellaneous -- My co-worker dreamed it up when I called him "Crisco"..his name was Chris, and he'd always disappear when the boss came around. Every time he was missing, the boss would ask, "Where'd Chrisgo?" So I nicknamed him that, and he nicknamed me this ....he's gone now though! So :-P
Hi Angel!
My name is Gina Therese. A few nicknames over the years have been dubjay, gigi (before I was married since my maiden name also began with a g), g-dog, jean.
I love all your daily questions! Keep it up!
My name is Allison Kaleen and I have several nicknames. Most of my friends call me Al, a few people call me Alli. My fiance has multiple names for me including "doodie" and "stinky" - neither of us knows why 'cause neither of us smells but we find names like this endearing so his are similar. I guess we're just weird!
My full name is Melissa Lee, though I have no nicknames. I know, boring!
Here's my bookmark:
Denise Lynn...which is so strange since somebody else signs their name Denise Lynn...so I always do a double take. Anyway, nicknames...Deedee, deewee, wino (that's because my maiden name was Wineman), Dee, sugarbooger...
Hi Angel,
My bookmark can be found HERE.
My name is Ann Marie and since there usually are a gazillion Ann's , I have a two screen names.
Crafty Me2 and CM2 which was shortened by other posters!
I think your birthday bash idea is totally awesome!
My name is Rebecca Lynn (like the Bryan White song!) but I've always went by Becky, and Mommy of course!
Here's my bookmark!
Michelle Susan. My friends call me Mish.. my siblings used to call me Mushy or Mushy Oatmeal!
My name is Janet Thompson Sisk. My birth middle name is Lee. When I married I took my maiden name as my middle name. I don't really have a nickname.
Full name is Kathryn Margaret, but it's Kate to everyone - though one of my coworkers has decided to call me Katelyn Marie (I have no idea why, but it makes him happy).
My bookmark is here: http://images.splitcoaststampers.com/data/gallery/500/bookmark_front_by_GlueGirl.jpg
I just realized that I forgot to link up my second book mark and I never told you my middle name....
Dawn Rae is my first and middle name, I really like my middle name and my oldest has a similar middle name!
I might have put both on the original link, but don't think I did....sorry for the duplication if I did!
Bookmark link:
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