Yep, this is it. All that I kept. If I had to choose over again, I'd keep more of my ink pads. Maybe even ALL of them. I miss them dearly! And I didn't keep ANY of my punches of which I own hundreds! I miss those too! It was really hard to narrow down what I saved out. I kept more stamp supplies than I did clothes. LOL But I think this all should fit in one moving box and it really has been enough to make decent cards from.
On the homefront news: our house has been on the market for about 3 months. We've had TWO showings. It's so very slow out there. We reduced the price of our home about 3 weeks ago. Still no bites.
We're staying in Georgia a little longer than originally planned so we can save a little money. But, Kevin has to report for duty in August and we need to find a place to live so we'll be headed to South Carolina soon!
I know I am sounding like a broken record, but I ask for your continued prayers, my friends!
Thank you so much!
Hugs from me........
The houseing market hasn't been very good here either. I'll keep you in my prayers. You did a great job selecting your stamp items to keep around. Its a nice little temporary space you have.
wow, you are doing great maing cards with what you kept out. I bet no one else can do that. that is a great idea for everybody don't you think?? make acard with a certain about of supplies. kinda makes you thinks. :)
Praying for you and the housing situation both in GA and SC. Just got back from vacation and have enjoyed your cards and your son's video. He's really talented! How neat that he's using his gifts this summer in that way.
Prayers going to you!!! I know what you're feeling! I have a week before the movers come and I'm trying to decide what I need to keep out to make my "new address" cards! Not knowing when we'll get a house it killing me! I know your "worry!!!"
Wow, now I have a better "picture" of how you are making these beautiful cards!
I will continue to pray for you. AND cross my fingers and toes. Whatever I can do from here:) Love U!
Angel you are doing a great job of hanging in there! Good job on the cards have been made while under limited supply conditions! Blessings to you and yours! Deb
It's hard having to wait for your house to sell. I live in S.C. and I think your stamp things will be fine. Since it is humid here, the pads should not dry out or the stamps become brittle. Good Luck.
When we moved overseas (and back again) my stamps, ink, and supplies were all fine (having traveled over in the hull of a ship, very HOT) so I'm sure yours will be as well. I did notice that on some unmounted sets the paper backing didn't come off quite as well as before, but it was all manageable. Best wishes on selling your home.
OMG! The last time i moved I sold my TV- and had my friends load boxes and boxes of crafty stuff into the truck :)
Still without the TV- lol. I don't know how you did it!
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