Monday, April 14, 2008


I like to be pampered!
But, seriously, what girl doesn't? Right now I could use a nice back rub!
I like to be pampered so much that I have little ways to "Pamper Myself" when there is nobody else to do it for me. Here are my own little pampering moments:
1. Take a nap
2. Light candles
3. Put on lipgloss
4. Hot bath/shower
5. Play my favorite tunes
6. Rub my own feet
7. Eat a piece of dark chocolate
8. Play a game
9. Look at my favorite blogs
10. Quiet time


Anonymous said...

Right now, I could really use a back rub. a foot rub a head massage, a pedicure a manicure a facial.....hhmmmmm, whats left?

Kelly said...

Okay... now you're talking my language Angel! I just had a weekend to myself - I got burnt in the hot sunshine on Saturday as I was "pampering myself" with some much needed sun time. My kids and hubby were all at bible camp. I found however one thing I couldn't do to 'pamper myself' was spread aloe vera on my back for my sunburn! Sometimes you just can't reach certain places! LOL